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Our Mission
To naturally activate soil health using full-spectrum nutrient additions to deter invasive weed pressure by promoting the vigorous growth of desirable plants.
Our Vision
Soils are the backbone of rural agricultural economies, the home of iconic wildlife, and the source of food for our communities and the world.
Our soils are also at risk. Tens of millions of acres of grasslands have been degraded and are imperiled by catastrophic wildfire and seemingly irreversible ecological decline. Croplands are eroding at rates 10x faster than soils can be built. Invasive plants are spreading and quickly despite prevalent use of conventional petrochemical techniques. Effective options are few. Alternative and healthier strategies are required.
Enter Edaphix with an innovative platform of patented and ground-breaking products for soil restoration. We envision a world where Edaphix’s micronutrient-rich products power the restoration of rangeland, turfgrass and agricultural landscapes by reducing invasive weed prevalence, improving soil quality, enhancing carbon sequestration, increasing the nutrient density of food, improving water quality, and improving human health.
Our Values
Healthy Functioning Soil
reduced weed pressure
Soil fertility was derived initially from organic matter decay. Decaying soil organic matter resulted in release of organic acids further fueling grassland growth. Soil impairment began with losses of organic matter. Nutrient losses followed. Since weeds thrive in nutrient-poor and disturbed soil, the stage was set for explosive growth. It is our mission to develop natural, chemical free technologies to reduce invasive weed pressure through improved soil quality and function. Healthy soil is the foundation to productive ecosystems and healthy communities require to thrive.
Healthy People Healthy Landscapes
reduced herbicide use
With the rise of industrial agriculture, soil fertility and crop protection have been increasingly been provided by petrochemicals. Without intervention to reverse the decline of grasslands, croplands, wildlands and pastures our wildlife and watersheds will only be a memory. Ranching will become ever more unprofitable. Endangered species will become even more imperiled. Economic losses will stretch into untold billions, undermining the stability of rural communities. It is our strong view that the use of Edaphix’s products can play a vital role in increasing the nutrient density of our food, reduce the use of fertilizers in our yards and parks, and improve human and community health all without the use of chemical herbicides and synthetic fertilizers.
Healthy Productive Ecosystems
enhanced productivity
Agriculture began in fertile river valleys where sediment and organic matter deposition by annual flooding resulted in deep soils well suited to cropping. From simple agricultural beginnings we have subsequently industrialized and converted much of the world’s grassland and good soil into crop production. Most cropping systems contribute to declining soil productivity as increasing nutrient additions are required to achieve the same crop yields. Our continued work to expand the use of Edaphix’s micronutrient-rich products are grounded in the recognition that soils sustain humanity and we are entrusted with their care. Together we can power the restoration of our grasslands thus supporting improved water quality and enhancing ecosystems’ natural ability to sequester carbon.
e·daph·ic [əˈdafik] Relating to soil, especially as it affects living organisms.
E·daph·ix® [əˈdafix] Relating to fixing the soil, especially as it involves restoring nutrient levels and grassland health.